Privacy Policy


Quincy University takes your privacy seriously.

作为维护大学网站用户隐私的承诺的一部分, Quincy University has developed this privacy notice. 全球赌博十大网站收集两种类型的信息在这个网站上:1)信息自愿提供的访问网站,参加项目和服务2)自动收集的信息导航网站.

Information We Collect

除了使用本网站的个人主动提供的信息之外, 全球赌博十大网站的网络服务器会自动记录某些非个人信息, including the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet; the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using; the browser used and the operating system; the date and time you access this site; the Internet address of the website linked directly to this site. 我们也可能通过使用cookie收集跟踪信息, 哪些地方的某些信息在您的电脑,以方便您将来访问.

除了自动收集的有关您访问的技术信息, described above, or cookies and anonymous identifiers described below, we may ask you to provide information voluntarily, 例如通过表格或其他手工输入,以便向您提供产品和服务, to maintain and manage our relationship with you, including providing associated services, or to better understand and serve your needs.

cookie是写入您的硬盘驱动器的一个小数据文件,其中包含您访问网页的信息. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you may configure your browser not to accept them at all, or to notify and require approval before accepting new cookies. 如果cookies被关闭,某些网页/网站可能无法正常运行, 或者,您可能必须在每次访问这些页面时提供相同的信息. 为了定制提供给您的信息和服务,我们的网站使用cookie来:

  • 根据访问者的浏览器类型定制网页内容或访问者发送的其他信息
  • Record aggregate information collected by Google Analytics

Cookie Preference Center

网站访问者可以随时使用以下按钮更改他们的cookie偏好,这将打开您的cookie偏好中心, where you can easily change your consent settings.

Data retention

只要您继续与我们保持关系,所收集的信息通常由全球赌博十大网站保留. Your providing this information is wholly voluntary. However, 不提供所请求的信息(或随后要求数据被删除)可能影响我们能够提供的产品或服务的信息是必要的.
提供所要求的信息表示您同意收集, use, and disclosure of this information as described in this notice. 我们积极收集的信息可能包括您自愿提供的信息, such as preferences, survey information, and/or site registrations.

Your rights

您有权查阅我们所持有的有关您的个人信息,并要求更正您的个人信息, updated, or deleted. 如果您想行使此权利,请通过以下全球赌博十大网站与我们联系. 本网站还包括指向第三方托管的其他网站的链接. When you access any such website from this site, 您提供的任何信息将受您所访问的网站的运营商的隐私政策的约束. 全球赌博十大网站的几个网站允许个人用信用卡在线支付产品或服务. These transactions are
through a secure third party site and are encrypted. 信用卡信息,如信用卡号码,不会存储在全球赌博十大网站的服务器或个人电脑上.

Sharing Your Information

全球赌博十大网站不会向他人出售、交易或出租您的个人信息. 我们可能会将汇总的统计数据用于大学运营, but this data will include no personally identifying information. 所有数据均受适用的州和联邦法律(包括FERPA)的保护.

We may release account information when we believe, in good faith, that such release is reasonably necessary to:

  1. 在大学律师的适当审查后,大学将执行法律
  2. enforce or apply the terms of any of our user agreements;
  3. 保护全球赌博十大网站、我们的用户或其他人的权利、财产或安全;

Quincy University does, upon explicit request of users, 与其他各方共享信息,并从其他私人数据提供商收集信息. For example, 大学从考试机构获得考试成绩,并将成绩单发送给大学以外的个人或机构. This is done only at the request of users (i.e., persons to whom the information applies). 公开通过互联网收集的机密信息是违反大学政策的.

Any information that is disclosed in chat rooms, forums, message boards, and newsgroups may become public information and a user should, therefore, 在这些地方透露个人信息时要谨慎. The University does not ordinarily log public chat sessions, however, 如果全球赌博十大网站有合理的理由怀疑这些信息被滥用,可以收集这些信息, unlawful conduct, breach of University policy, or other reasonable cause to collect such information.

Access to this site is restricted to authorized users only. 未经授权访问或不当使用本网站将根据计算机欺诈和滥用法案被起诉. By use of this site, 您同意您理解并将遵守相应的法律和政策. Additionally, you understand that for this site to function, it may require the use of cookies or other tracking data.


我们可能会不时更新本隐私政策以反映, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.

Contact Us

For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by email at